
  • 对违法企业的罚金最高可达2000万欧元(约合1.5亿元人民币)或者其全球营业额的4%,以高者为准。

  • 网站经营者必须事先向客户说明会自动记录客户的搜索和购物记录,并获得用户的同意,否则按“未告知记录用户行为”作违法处理。

  • 企业不能再使用模糊、难以理解的语言,或冗长的隐私政策来从用户处获取数据使用许可。

  • 明文规定了用户的“被遗忘权”(right to be forgotten),即用户个人可以要求责任方删除关于自己的数据记录。

本文翻译自securityweek.com在2021 年 1 月 5 日 发布的一篇文章,作者Eduard Kovacs,由Kenson Wu翻译,译文全文如下:




服装零售商H&M去年的罚款最高(3500万欧元),其次是意大利电信(2800万欧元),英国航空公司(2200万欧元),万豪酒店(2000万欧元)和意大利电信运营商Wind Tre(1700万欧元) )和沃达丰意大利(1200万欧元)。


  • 隐私责任和监管罚款(并确认是否覆盖GDPR)


  • 数据泄露成本


  • 业务中断和其他费用


Fines issued for violations of the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in 2020 exceeded €170 million, or roughly $200 million.

The GDPR, which requires organizations to protect the personal data and privacy of EU citizens, came into force in May 2018, and, based on publicly available information, it since resulted in fines totaling more than €250 million (roughly $300 million).

Due to the fact that not all fines are publicly reported and due to currency conversions it’s difficult to determine the exact total amount of GDPR fines. According to cloud management solutions provider CoreView, which keeps track of major GDPR fines, the total amount since 2018 is €288 million, of which approximately €103 million in 2019 and €184 million in 2020.

Financial analysis website Finbold, using data from enforcementtracker.com, calculated that fines totaled €171.3 million in 2020. Based on this data, Italy paid the most fines, totaling €58 million, followed by the UK at €44 million and Germany at €37 million.

In terms of the number of fines in 2020, Spain is at the top with 128 fines, followed by Italy (34), Romania (26), Sweden (15), Belgium (13) and Norway (11).

Clothing retailer H&M got the biggest fine last year (€35 million), followed by Telecom Italia (€28 million), British Airways (€22 million), Marriott (€20 million), and Italian telecom operators Wind Tre (€17 million) and Vodafone Italia (€12 million).

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