11月9日,以“凝聚数字合作新共识 共创全球发展新时代”为主题的全球发展倡议数字合作论坛以线上线下相结合形式举办。论坛是今年6月全球发展高层对话会32项成果之一,是落实全球发展倡议的重要行动,由中国国家互联网信息办公室、工业和信息化部联合主办,与会代表围绕深化数字经济国际合作、加强数字治理能力建设、共享数字技术发展红利等议题进行深入交流。中方愿同各方一道,共同采取以下措施推进全球发展倡议数字领域合作:


















Non-paper on Global Development Initiative Digital Cooperation

The Global Development Initiative Digital Cooperation Forum, under the theme of “Jointly Building Consensus on Digital Cooperation for a New Era of Global Development”, was held both online and offline on November 9. The Forum is one of the 32 deliverables of the High-level Dialogue on Global Development held in June this year, and an important action to implement the Global Development Initiative. It was co-hosted by the Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT). The participants had in-depth exchanges on such topics as deepening international cooperation on digital economy, strengthening capacity building of digital governance, and sharing the dividends of digital technology development. China stands ready to work together with all parties to take the following measures to promote digital cooperation under the Global Development Initiative:

Deepening international cooperation on digital economy to inject impetus into global economic development

Joint efforts should be made to accelerate new infrastructure construction. Support should be given to the construction, application, and development of 5G, Internet of Things, and industrial Internet in an effort to improve Internet access and promote connectivity.

It is important to promote international cooperation on digital industries development and digitalization of traditional industries, advance the integration of digital technology and real economy, empower the transformation and upgrade of traditional industries with digital technology, as well as bolster pandemic response and economic recovery and growth through digital means.

It is imperative to actively carry out international cooperation on digital trade, support the development of e-commerce rules by WTO and promote the development of open, transparent, and inclusive digital trade rules. Secure and reliable digital means need to be encouraged to facilitate cross-border trade with a view of sharing the benefits of e-commerce.

It is imperative to deepen international cooperation in industrial and supply chains, safeguard their nature as public goods, and oppose decoupling and disruption of industrial and supply chains. Joint efforts should be given to build a global industrial and supply chain system that is secure, stable, smooth, efficient, open, inclusive, and mutually beneficial.

Coordinated digital and green transformation should be actively advanced to achieve green development in the process of digitalization.

It is important to strive to tap the potentials of digital economy cooperation and jointly create an open, fair, equitable, and non-discriminatory environment of digital economy.

Strengthening capacity building on digital governance to create a new cooperation landscape of digital governance

It is imperative to actively participate in global digital governance, give full play to the United Nations’ main-channel role in global governance in cyberspace, and support formulating international rules in cyberspace that are acceptable to all countries under the UN framework.

States need to strengthen policy coordination in the digital field, actively develop international rules in the digital field and standards for digital technology, and maintain a secure and stable management system of Internet infrastructure resources to work toward the cyberspace where countries can share resources, shoulder common responsibilities and exercise joint governance.

The philosophy of “Tech for Good” should be encouraged to improve governance on new technologies and applications. We should look into laws, regulations, rules and standards to guide the use of new technologies and applications such as artificial intelligence, Internet of Things and the next-generation communications network, and promote international cooperation in technical standards and ethical norms.

Efforts should be made to launch assistance and training programs on global governance in cyberspace under the UN and other multilateral frameworks to help developing countries improve their capacity of participating in global governance.

Sharing the dividends of digital technology development and improving digital literacy and skills to bridge the digital divide

It is important to deepen innovative application of digital technology, enhance experience sharing and cooperation in the use of digital technologies to respond to such public emergencies as epidemics and natural disasters. Digital technologies should be leveraged to enhance public service capacity in such areas as culture and education, environmental protection, urban planning, community management and healthcare.

It is imperative to deepen international exchanges and cooperation on digital literacy and skills, promote mutual learning of experiences and practices, strengthen support and assistance to vulnerable groups, improve the adaptability of digital tools and digital economy, and promote the establishment of an inclusive, equitable, accessible, and interconnected digital resource system to improve digital literacy and skills of the public.

It is important to enhance practical cooperation in the digital field, bridge the digital divide, harness digital technology to promote poverty reduction, strive to deliver the benefits of digital development to the people of all countries, and contribute to accelerating the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and promoting common and sustainable development worldwide.

China stands ready to work with all parties to actively promote digital cooperation under Global Development Initiative and jointly build a community with a shared future in cyberspace.

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