有人认为,团队越了解网络的构建和配置方式,他们就越能防御网络。(克里斯塔尔·希门尼斯(Crystal Jimenez)/美国空军)


根据该军种的消息,今年春季,美国空军将把第690个网络空间作战大队 (专注于网络作战),第26网络作战大队(专注于安全行动)和第38网络空间工程安装大队合并为一个实体。第26网络空间作战大队的指挥官约书亚·罗克希尔(Joshua Rockhill)上校于11月18日在AFCEA Alamo分会会议的虚拟演讲中讲话时表示。


“我们不仅在当今的传统网络中做到这一点,而且还在通过构建组织架构并与我们的行业合作伙伴进行互动来构建我们的[IT即服务]环境时着眼于未来进行思考。也许会向我们提供其中一些服务。” 美国空军空战司令部网络和制信息权主任查德·拉德格将军在同次会议上说。“我认为那是与行业的直接联系。”

虽然这是商业世界的规范,但对于军事实体而言,这将是一种新方法。负责监督第688电子空间联队的第16航空队司令蒂莫西·霍(Timothy Haugh)中将说,改组旨在缩短对事件的响应时间。


罗克希尔说:“我们的感觉是,[重组]将有很大的改善,但是实验会证明这一点。” “我们认为这种跨人员,流程和技术的方法将帮助第688电子联队发挥其作用,以实现数字化未来。”

US Air Force to reorganize network, security groups under single entity

WASHINGTON — The Air Force is collapsing some of its groups within the 688th Cyberspace Wing to build a network and security operations cell.

This spring, the service is conducting an experiment in which it will collapse the 690th Cyberspace Operations Group — focused on network operations — the 26th Cyber Operations Group — focused on security operations — and the 38th Cyberspace Engineering Installation Group into a single entity, according to Col. Joshua Rockhill, commander of the 26th Cyberspace Operations Group, who spoke Nov. 18 during a virtual presentation as part of an AFCEA Alamo chapter conference.

The effort aims to create a greater unity of effort between those operating the network and those defending the network, which under the previous construct fell under different groups. The better teams understand how the network is built and configured, the better they can defend it, the argument goes.

“We’re doing that not only with the legacy network today but also thinking about with an eye on the future as we build out our [IT-as-a-service] environment — through an organizing construct and interact with our industry partners that maybe providing some of those services to us,” Brig. Gen. Chad Raduege, director of cyber and information dominance at Air Combat Command, said at the same conference. “I think that that’s a direct linkage with industry.”

While the norm within the commercial world, it will be a new approach for a military entity. Lt. Gen. Timothy Haugh, commander of 16th Air Force, which oversees the 688th Cyberspace Wing, said the reorganization is designed to flatten response times to incidents.

Rockhill added that the new group will be the lead security incident integrator at the tactical level partnering with the local network defenders to ingest alerts and generate responses. He noted the idea is these responses will be automated in order to keep humans on human tasks and machines on machine tasks.

“Our sense is [the reorganization] will be a significant improvement, but the experiment will bear the out,” Rockhill said. “We think this approach across people, process and tech is going to help the 688th Cyber Wing do its part to enable a digital future.”

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